Monday, July 9, 2012

DAILY TRUTH – The Importance of Contrast

God uses the world’s chaos and mankind’s brokenness as a backdrop to demonstrate His boundless grace and His mighty redemptive power.

This fact touches every single part of our lives, each and every day.

I treasure the sun because I have observed days of clouds and rain.
I treasure the rain because I have seen the devastating effects of its absence.
I treasure the cold because I have felt unbearably hot.
I treasure the heat because I have felt freezing cold.
I treasure food because I have known hunger.
I treasure beauty because I am aware of what is ugly.
I treasure colors because I have seen the dullness of black and white.
I treasure wisdom because I have been very foolish.

I treasure healthy thriving relationships because I have known broken and frustrating ones.
I treasure faithful friends because I have felt the stab of unfaithful friends.
I treasure love because I have known hatred.
I treasure good health because I have felt painful and weakening sickness.
I treasure joy and wholeness in my heart because I have known a suffering, broken heart.
I treasure fellowship with others because I have endured loneliness.
I treasure good because I have seen evil.
I treasure life because there is death.
I treasure the hope I have received from God because I have felt hopeless.
I treasure the Lord Jesus Christ because I have known what it is like to live life without knowing Him or being able to trust Him.

The list could go on and on. 

Without contrast, we are unable to truly appreciate the many things, experiences, and different people which are all a part of living this earthly life.  Hopefully, considering this truth about the need for contrast will help us understand why God uses the world’s chaos and mankind’s brokenness as a backdrop to demonstrate His boundless grace and His mighty redemptive power.  If we take the time to observe the contrast in our daily lives, we are able to gain greater appreciation for the work God is accomplishing with us and in the world each and every day.  

God’s ultimately goal is for everything to be set perfectly right and to be redeemed from all brokenness.  He will accomplish that goal, and when He does, we will greatly rejoice in that glorious day because we have also had the privilege of seeing and experiencing its contrast. 

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